50.06 (0%)
As of Feb 14, 2025
Company Overview
Edison International business is to lead the transformation of the electric power industry toward a clean energy future. Through our subsidiaries, we generate and distribute electric power, as well as provide energy services and technologies, including renewable energy.
Country | United States |
Headquarters | rosemead, california |
Phone Number | (626) 302-2222 |
Industry | transport |
CEO | Pedro J. Pizarro |
Website | www.edisoninvestor.com |
Financial Year:
Financial Overview (Dollars in Millions)
Revenue | $17,599 |
Operating Profit | $2,930 |
Net Income | $1,546 |
Net Cash | $152 |
Profit Ratios
Gross Margin | $17,599 |
Operating Margin | 16.7 |
Profit as % of Revenues | 1,138.4% |
Profit as % of Assets | 1.9% |
Profit as % of Stockholder Equity | 8.7% |
Management Effectiveness
Return on Equity | 8.7% |
Return on Assets | 1.8% |
Turnover Ratio | 21% |
EBITA | $5,796 |
Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Measures
Total Assets | $85,579 |
Total Liabilities | $67,839 |
Operating Cash Flow | $5,014 |
Investing Cash Flow | $-5,536 |
Financing Cash Flow | $674 |