-Codes Good Through Early Voting Period and on Election Day-
-Partners Include St. Luke Community UMC and Texans Taking Action-
DALLAS, Oct. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Today the Law Offices of Houston M. Smith, P.C. announced its partnership with St. Luke Community UMC and Texans Taking Action for its voter rideshare program, "Lift To The Polls," which ensures that Dallas/Fort Worth voters have a ride to the polls on election day, Tuesday, November 8. The program also provides voters a free Lyft ride code for transportation to the polls through the early voting period, October 24-November 4. Ride codes are limited; interested voters should call the law firm's offices at 945-HOU-STON/945-468-7866 or visit GetRightLawyers.com.
There has always been a long history rallying voters ridesharing in the Black community to drive change. In this spirit, the partnerships with Texans Taking Action and St. Luke Community UMC expand the grassroots reach of the program.
"Regardless of political affiliation, we want every eligible voter to participate," said Houston M. Smith, founder, and principal of the law office. "There are too many critical issues at stake nationally and in our community not to encourage voter participation. We're doing our part to bridge the gap. We're extremely proud to partner with Texans Taking Action and St. Luke Community UMC to target overlooked and disenfranchised voters and provide them a ride to the polls.
Through its "Souls to the Polls" initiative, St. Luke Community UMC is working towards getting 100% of eligible voters to the polls. The church is strategically targeting college students and seniors in nursing homes with its outreach efforts.
"Our ancestors paid a heavy price—and often the ultimate price—fighting for our right to vote. Our current generations' responsibility is to exercise this right," said Richie Butler, St. Luke Community UMC's senior pastor. "When we come together and vote, the results can positively impact our society for years to come."
Texans Taking Action is continuing to target underrepresented voters, including students and apartment residents in Dallas County, and will be knocking on doors every weekend through election day.
"Many of our communities are often taken for granted and so it is important to knock on the doors of voters in order to mobilize them into actually voting. They need to know that their voice and vote matter," said Millie Domenech, co-founder of Texans Taking Action.
The "Lift To The Polls" program was initially launched by the Law Office of Houston M. Smith for the Texas Primary in February 2022.
About The Law Offices Houston M. Smith, P.C.
Founded in 1993 by Houston M. Smith, the law firm has a primary focus on serious personal injury and wrongful death, medical negligence, and product liability. With a focus on justice, the firm has secured numerous seven-figure jury trial verdicts and settlements. The Law Offices of Houston M. Smith, P.C. services clients throughout Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma.
About Texans Taking Action
Texans Taking Action is a newly formed non-partisan grassroots organization created to fight voter suppression in Texas by expanding the electorate through voter registration and education in underserved communities, including students, communities of color, and apartment dwellers.
About St. Luke Community UMC
Since 1933 St. Luke Community UMC has been a local and national leader in exercising Kingdom-minded principles to help make "liberty and justice for all" a reality. In 2023, St. Luke will celebrate 90 years of sharing The Gospel, transforming lives, and making disciples for Jesus Christ.
Media Contact
Omar Thompson
(972) 800-5690
View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/law-offices-of-houston-m-smith-pc-kicks-off-annual-lift-to-the-polls-rideshare-program-providing-dallasfort-worth-voters-free-lyft-ride-codes-for-the-mid-terms-301654342.html
SOURCE The Law Offices of Houston M. Smith, P.C.