G17: G.17 Annual Revision - Additional Information about New Series
Published - Dec 02, 2022, 01:07 PM ET
Last Updated - Feb 09, 2023, 12:26 AM EST
As reported previously, he Federal Reserve Board plans to issue its annual revision to the index of industrial production (IP) and the related measures of capacity utilization on July 21, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. EDT. The classification system for the industry groups will be advanced to the 2012 version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), and the comparison base year will be advanced to 2012. As part of the reclassification from the 2007 NAICS to the 2012 NAICS, changes will be made to a few of the published IP indexes. Updated details are available on the Federal Reserve's website at http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/g17/g17_revision_series.htm.