As of the release dated February 25, 2002, the H.15 no longer
reports a 30-year constant maturity yield for Treasury securities and
begins reporting a yield for Treasury securities with 25 years or more
remaining to maturity.
The changes reflect the Treasury's announcement on January 30, 2002,
that, effective February 18, it would cease supplying an estimate of
the 30-year constant maturity yield and that it would commence
supplying a long-term yield based on a basket of long-dated securities.
As indicated in footnote 12 of the release, the new long-term rate
is based on an unweighted average of the bid yields for all Treasury
fixed-coupon securities with remaining terms to maturity of at least 25
years. A factor to adjust the daily long-term average to estimate a
30-year rate is available at the Treasury web site reported in footnote
13 of the release.