Senior Biden campaign officials kick-start coordination with House Democrats for 2024 race
Senior officials for President Joe Biden’s reelection effort will meet with House Democrats to outline in detail post-Super Tuesday campaign plans
WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior officials for President Joe Biden’s reelection effort will meet with House Democrats on Thursday to outline in detail post-Super Tuesday campaign plans — a strategy session that marks a significant boost in efforts to coordinate with lawmakers on organizing and communicating with voters nationwide.
The campaign aides plan to discuss their general election message and outlook for the year, as well as ongoing mobilization efforts. They also will focus on how to “activate and engage” supporters and what role lawmakers can play in doing that and in other reelect efforts, according to campaign officials.
To that end, senior campaign officials plan to make several asks to House Democrats on Tuesday about how to become more involved with the reelect efforts, such as: asking lawmakers to help organize and host recruitment efforts for volunteers and other supporters; undergoing training to help ramp up use of new, digital and app-based organizing tools, and participating in campaign-hosted events, including office openings and coalition meetings, such as Women for Biden, in key battleground states.