Proposed questions on sexual orientation and gender identity for the Census Bureau's biggest survey
The U.S. Census Bureau plans to test questions about sexual orientation and gender identity for its most comprehensive survey of American life
The U.S. Census Bureau this year plans to test questions about sexual orientation and gender identity for its most comprehensive survey of American life.
The test questions will be sent to 480,000 households, with the statistical agency expecting just over half to respond.
If the questions are approved, it will be the first time sexual orientation and gender identity questions are asked on the American Community Survey, which already asks questions about commuting times, internet access, family life, income, education levels, disabilities and military service, among other topics.
During the test, people will be able to respond to the questions online, by mail, over the phone or through in-person interviews. People who fill out the American Community Survey form typically answer the questions for the other members of their household in what is called a proxy response.