Matthew Manson
CEO of Aber Diamond Corporation
- Graduated B.Sc. Geophysics - University of Edinburgh
- Ph.D. Geology - University of Toronto
Matthew Manson is a CEO of Aber Diamond Corporation, Inc.(ABER)
Matt Manson has 20 years’ experience in diamond exploration, development and production. Matt was appointed President of Stornoway in March 2007 following the acquisition of Ashton Mining of Canada and Contact Diamond Corporation, and subsequently President and CEO in January 2009. Between 1999 and 2005, Matt was employed by Aber DiamondCorporation (now Dominion Diamond Corporation) as Vice-President, Marketing, and thereafter Vice-President, Technical Services and Control, during which time he participated in the US$230m project financing for the Diavik Diamond Project, as well as overseeing Aber’s technical and marketing operations. Matt is a graduate of the University of Edinburgh (B.Sc. Geophysics, 1987) and the University of Toronto (Ph.D. Geology, 1996).
- Aber Diamond Corporation - CEO