Shri Prakash M. Patil
Chairman, Managing Director & CEO is a Aarti Drugs Ltd
- B.E. – Chemical - Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT)
Shri Prakash M. Patil is a Chairman, Managing Director & CEO is a Aarti Drugs Ltd, Inc.(AARTIDRUGS)
and has been associated since inception of the Company’s operations. He holds a degree of B.E. – Chemical from Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) [formerly known as University Department of Chemical Technology]. He has more than 40 years of experience in the field of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industry. He has expertise in Product Identification, Project Conceptualisation, Planning, Project Engineering & Implementation. His technical experience has helped the Company to emerge as one of the leading Pharmaceutical Company in the country.
- Aarti Drugs Ltd - Chairman, Managing Director & CEO