Todd Jones
CEO, Public Super Markets Inc.
Todd Jones is the Chief Executive Officer of Publix Super Markets, an enterprise privately held by the Jenkins family since 1930. Jones started at the very bottom of the career ladder, joining the company in 1980 as a front-service clerk at a Publix store in New Smyrna Beach. He rose to become a store manager in 1988. Jones then embarked on the corporate ladder, leading the local district in 1997 and becoming the regional director for the Jacksonville region in 1999.
Jones was able to successfully boost Publix’s share of the Jacksonville market—in part by capitalizing on Winn-Dixie’s decline. Following this, Jones was placed on the executive track. In 2008, he was named the company’s president, and in 2016 became CEO, the first non-member of the founding Jenkins family to lead the Lakeland, Fla.-based company since the first Publix opened in 1930.
Publix is now one of the top ten large-volume supermarket chains in the country, with 1,213 stores, nine distribution centers, and 11 manufacturing facilities. The grocery employs more than 190,000 people and its last reported annual sales were $34.6 billion in 2017.